Bambou Canyon - Canyoning - Anduze 30140 - 0650476500
List of the names of the speakers, under the terms of article 6 of the law n° 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004, within the framework of the realization of the site Bambou Canyon and of its follow-up :
Owner : Benoit HABBAK - Bambou Canyon - 151 chemin de Magali 30140 Anduze
Siret : 803 094 929 00012 - Ape : 8551Z
N° declaration DESJS : ED000000253445
Benoit HABBAK N° Pro Card : ED000000253445
Créateur : Micro création
Person in charge of the publication : Benoit HABBAK – (+33 06 50 47 65 00)
The responsible publication is a natural person
Webmaster : micro création
Translations : Pauline PLANTAIN
Hosting : – 6 Cours Nemausus - 30000 Nimes
The use of the site implies full and whole acceptance general terms of use described hereafter. These conditions of use are likely to be modified or supplemented constantly, the users of the site are thus invited to consult them in a regular way.
This site is normally accessible constantly to the users. An interruption for technical reason of maintenance can be however decided by which will then endeavour to communicate prior to users the dates and hours of the intervention. is updated regularly, in the same way, the legal information can be modified constantly: they are binding nevertheless to the user who is invited to refer to it in order to become acquainted of it.
Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK are owners of the intellectual property laws or hold the rights of use on all the accessible elements on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of whole or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or the process used, are prohibited, except preliminary authorization written of : Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK.
Any exploitation not - authorized site or of any of the elements which it contains will be regarded as constitutive of a counterfeit and will be continued in accordance with the provisions of the L.335-2 articles and following of the Code of Intellectual property.
All the information indicated on the site is given as an indication, and is likely to evolve. In addition, the information appearing on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been brought since their setting online.
The website could not be held responsible for material damages related to the use of the site. Moreover, the user of the site commits himself reaching the site by using a recent equipment, not containing a virus and with a browser of last put-with-day generation.
Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK are owners of the intellectual property laws or hold the rights of use on all the accessible elements on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of whole or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or the process used, are prohibited, except preliminary authorization written of : Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK.
Any exploitation not - authorized site or of any of the elements which it contains will be regarded as constitutive of a counterfeit and will be continued in accordance with the provisions of the L.335-2 articles and following of the Code of Intellectual property.
Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK could not be held responsible for the direct and indirect damage caused with the equipment of the user, at the time of the access to the site and resulting from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.
Interactive contact forms are at the disposal of users. Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK reserve the right to remove, without formal notice preliminary, very contained deposited which would contravene the applicable legislation in France, in particular to the relative tendencies with the data protection. If necessary, Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK also reserve the possibility of blaming the civil responsibility and/or penal of the user, in particular in the event of message in matter racist, abusive, defamatory, or pornographic, whatever the support used (text, photography…).
In France, the personal data are in particular protected by the law n° 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, the law n° 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal code and the European directive of October 24th, 1995.
At the time of the use of the site, beings can collected : the URL of the links by the intermediary of which the user reached the site, the access provider of the user, the address of protocol Internet (IP) of the user.
In any event Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK collect personal information relating to the user only for the need of certain proposed services by the site. The user provides this information in all full knowledge of the facts, in particular when it carries out of itself their seizures. He is specified with the user of the site the obligation or not to provide this information.
In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, with the files and freedoms, any user has a right of access, of correction and opposition to the personal data relating to it, by carrying out his written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the title of identity with signature of the holder of the part, by specifying the address to which the answer must be sent.
No personal information of the user of the site is published unbeknownst to the user, is exchanged, transferred, yielded or sold on an unspecified support with thirds. The above-named site is declared with the CNIL under the N° 1764707.
The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1st, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11th, 1996 relating to legal protection of the databases.
HYPERLINKS AND COOKIES. site contains a certain number of hyperlinks towards other sites, set up with the authorization of Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK. However, Bambou Canyon and Benoit HABBAK do not have the possibility of checking the contents of the sites thus visited, and will not consequently assume any responsibility for this fact.
Navigation on the site is likely to cause the installation of cookie (S) on the computer of the user. A cookie is a file of small, which does not allow the user identification, but who records relative information with the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained aim at facilitating later navigation on the site, and have also authority to allow various measurements of frequentation.
The refusal of installation of a cookie can involve impossibility of reaching certain services.
Any litigation in relation to the use of the site is subjected to the French right. It is made exclusive attribution of jurisdiction to the courts of competent jurisdiction of Paris.
- Law n° 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, in particular modified by the law n° 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms.
- Law n° 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.